The Doctoral program in Bioinformatics provides a unique experience for biologically-minded students interested in computational approaches. With strengths in computational genomics, computational chemistry, and the data sciences, this interdisciplinary program offers students unique opportunities to be taught and trained by world-renowned researchers at Temple University. Located in the center of the mid-Atlantic biotech hub, Philadelphia provides access to a diverse array of opportunities from industry, government, and its dense cluster of academic institutions.

Unprecedented growth in data from the life and health sciences alongside rapid advances in computational technologies allow the dynamic field of bioinformatics to address challenges that lie at the intersection of biology, chemistry, mathematics & statistics, and the computer sciences. Our exciting PhD program offers a flexible curriculum to accommodate a diversity of research backgrounds and interests.
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Our unique interdisciplinary PhD in Bioinformatics program has foci in several departments including Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Information Sciences. Our primary strengths are in computational analytics with opportunities to work on basic and translational research with faculty from the College of Science & Technology and researchers from our Medical School and Fox Chase Cancer Center.
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Temple University is the six largest provider of graduate education in the US. With recent growth in the computational sciences across biology, chemistry, and data analytics, we are fitted with cutting-edge resources and personnel. There are numerous research and employment opportunities at Temple University, the Philadelphia region, and the informatics-rich hubs of the midatlantic and northeast.
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